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“most propedeutic”
propedeutic, propaedeutic (adjective); more propedeutic, propedeutic, more propaedeutic; most propedeutic, most propedeutic, propaedeutic
1. Pertaining to, or of the nature of preparatory teaching: Propedeutic and preliminary instruction supplies the knowledge or discipline necessary in order to learn or to instruct some art, science, or some more advanced study.
2. Etymology: formed from Greek propaideueiv, "to teach beforehand"; from pro-, "before" + paideueiv, "to train, to educate, to teach"; from pais, genitive of paidos, "child".
2. Etymology: formed from Greek propaideueiv, "to teach beforehand"; from pro-, "before" + paideueiv, "to train, to educate, to teach"; from pais, genitive of paidos, "child".
This entry is located in the following unit:
pedo-, paedo-, ped-, paed-, paido-, paid-
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